
Real Estate Branding: 5 Easy Ways for Realtors to Build a Personal Brand

Does it seem like every other realtor you know has a strong personal brand, but yours is, well, lacking? The truth is, building a strong personal brand can be tough. And that’s especially true in a crowded and competitive field like real estate. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Real estate branding can be done with a lot less effort than you might think, and today we’re going to tell you how.

And we won’t share just any ways to build your personal brand. We’re going to share the easiest, most efficient real estate branding strategies to help you make your mark as quickly as possible.

Real Estate Branding: Easy Ways for Realtors to Build a Personal Brand

Get clear about what that brand is

Before you can start making other people aware of your brand and your services, you need to be clear on them first!

Believe it or not, you already have a brand, along with a mission and values that drive your business. What’s next, however, is getting really clear about what that means, so you’re able to use it to your marketing advantage. 

Start by creating a list of your values and your vision. Then, as you work on building your brand, you can use this list to guide you in the best direction for your business.

(Of course, branding isn’t everything. Visit this post next for five tips to elevate client experience in real estate)

Get inspired by other real estate branding efforts

Take a look at what other real estate professionals are doing for their own real estate branding. You’re not doing this to copy them, however! Instead, draw inspiration from their branding efforts for your own unique twist on their tactics.

Build a website

If you’re part of a real estate group, you might think your headshot and listings on the group website are enough. But remember, we’re talking about building your personal brand here. That means you need to take steps to define yourself beyond that group. 

Start by creating a dedicated website just for your listings. Be sure to include a comprehensive biography, as well as professional pictures of yourself.

(Read more about growing your real estate empire in a digital world in this post)

Develop a social media presence

If you want to keep up with the competition, you need to establish a presence in as many places as possible. And yes—that means on social media! 

You can use social media to share your listings, of course. But this is also a great place to share more about you and what makes you tick. (Drawing on those values and your vision helps here too!) 

Sharing more about yourself and your life as a realtor in a professional manner goes a long way for your real estate branding efforts. It helps potential clients connect to you, relate to you, and it can be the thing that makes them choose you over another realtor.

(Don’t miss this post next: 11 Digital Marketing Tips for the Traditional Real Estate Agent)

Join Souqh

We can’t wrap this up without including the importance of joining Souqh to help with your real estate branding efforts. Souqh is your one-stop connection to leads, referrals, technology and digital marketing—and that includes adding your brand and product pages directly to our storefront.

This helps you make your mark on the industry, and it also makes it easier for potential home buyers to find you.

Not sure if this is right for you? We offer a free 30-day, no strings attached trial of all our premium features.

Contact one of our sales reps today and join our service provider network for real estate professionals.


Did you learn a lot about real estate branding in this post? Here are three more posts you can’t miss next:

Realtor Service Providers Spotlight

Real Estate Branding: 3 Ways for Agents to Build a Personal Brand Online

How do you avoid becoming just another face in a crowded sea of real estate agents? Well, for starters, by building a personal brand online! It’s true. Real estate branding is one of the most important and most overlooked strategies for growing your real estate business. 

3 Real Estate Branding Tips to Build a Personal Brand Online

At the end of a long day, the last thing you have time for is working on your branding. Not to mention, it can be tough to do. But we’re going to make it easy for you! Here are some straightforward ideas to start building your personal brand online today.

1. Grow your social media following

Growing your social media following feels overwhelming. Maybe your followers seem to hover around the same number for months on end no matter what you do.

But once you start focusing specifically on growing your following on different platforms, it’s incredible how this effort can pay off.

To have a following, you need to have a presence. That means showing up! Show up on your social media platforms regularly, whether in the form of an Instagram story, a tweet, or a Facebook update. You don’t need to do all of them—but pick one or two platforms and show up consistently.

You can also do several things to get more attention on these platforms and incentivize people to follow you. As an agent focusing on real estate branding, one of the best ways is teaming up with local businesses.

For example, at your next open house, offer coffee for all guests from a local coffee shop. Reach out to that coffee shop to see if they would be interested in sharing about your open house and how they can get a free cup of their coffee there. 

Alternatively, you could team up with a local shop or restaurant for a giveaway that can only be entered if users follow both of your accounts. 

2. Start a newsletter

When you start your newsletter, it becomes just that: yours! A newsletter is a great opportunity to establish your real estate branding by building your online presence and connecting with new clients.

Your newsletter allows you to tell your own brand story, too. Rather than being limited by 280 characters in a tweet or a brief paragraph in a Facebook post, you can dig deeper into your brand with a newsletter. 

Figure out a sustainable model for distributing your newsletter to start. Once a week might be too audacious, but once a month could be more feasible.

Use this newsletter as an opportunity to personalize yourself, promote your listings, share helpful real estate insights, and just generally provide value for your reader. Even if it’s not always real estate-related, providing value to your readers can ultimately be what keeps your name at the front of their minds when it does come time for them to buy or sell a property. 

3. Get online

Do you have a personal website yet? When it comes to real estate branding in 2021, an online presence is a must. And as it turns out, your website is one of the best ways to do this. You also give yourself search engine advantages with your website, so your name appears in results when people look for realtors in your area. 

On top of SEO bonuses, a personal website helps you showcase your listings, expertise, grow your newsletter subscribers, and just generally establish a presence online. 

Digital Marketing & Real Estate Branding

Your digital marketing efforts can make or break your real estate branding efforts. Let Souqh help!

Our services will help you drive more traffic to your storefronts and grow your business fast. At the same time, we’ll help you launch data-driven marketing campaigns to feature your storefront, enabling higher ROI on your marketing dollars.

Ready to learn more? Click here to contact us and book a demo.