Real Estate

The 5 Fastest Ways To Make Money In Real Estate

Real estate is among the top four industries that are more likely to make you a millionaire. Long before the internet and software produced the Jeff Bezos’ and Larry Ellison’s we all wish we could emulate, the real estate industry was minting millionaires every year.

With a growing population and a diminishing stock of homes available for rent or sale, real estate remains a magnet for people looking to strike it rich. The only difference this time is that we want to get rich faster. So in an industry that demands more patience than most, how do you make money fast in real estate?


5 Fastest Ways To Make Money In Real Estate

Here are the 5 quickest ways to profit from real estate today:

1. Flipping Houses


Do you have some renovating experience? If so, you could make money renovating and flipping houses. This business involves buying distressed homes in good neighbourhoods and then updating and then selling them at a profit.


Flipping houses can be very profitable, but there’s a learning curve. You have to know what you are doing, including choosing the right contractors as you will not be able to do all of the work yourself. Identifying houses with renovation potential is another skill you will have to master as that is where the value is.


Ideally, you want to spend as little as possible on renovations while making sure the house has all the features buyers look for in houses in that neighbourhood. Spend too much renovating the house and you may end up in the red when you finally sell. You can also run out of funds before you finish renovating.


But for people who have done their homework, have enough working capital, and know how to spot fixer-uppers with potential, flipping houses is a good way to make quick cash. By the way, you can also do this with commercial property. 


But what if you don’t have the money to buy the fixer-upper?

2. Contract Flipping

You will be surprised to learn that you can make money in real estate without investing any of your money. So those with poor credit or who can’t raise the deposit required for a mortgage shouldn’t feel locked out of the real estate market. With the right skill-set, you can try your hand at contract flipping.


Contract flipping is where you match property sellers with buyers and claim a portion of the sale price for your efforts. What you do is identify homeowners whose circumstances may require that they sell their homes to avoid foreclosure or some other negative circumstance. These could be people who are struggling to keep up with mortgage payments or some other distressed owner.


While it may not be easy to find distressed homeowners, finding a motivated buyer isn’t as difficult especially if the price isn’t too high. Essentially, you will be leveraging your negotiation and selling skills for profit. With ears in the right areas, it certainly is possible to make money this way.

3. Invest in a Rental Property


One of the traditional ways to make money in real estate is to simply buy and hold. With residential property prices in Canada rising every year, increasing 23 percent year-over-year in January 2022, this is as lucrative as most investments you can make today. 

So you could make a tidy profit by simply buying a property and waiting a year before selling. Or you invest in a rental property and collect rental income while its market value appreciates. Depending on your city, short-term rentals are also a lucrative option. Websites like Airbnb have taken most of the pain out of marketing your rental and collecting payments.


With a rental property, you can start making money from your investment immediately and still be guaranteed a healthy profit if and when you decide to sell up. Make a few renovations or cosmetic touch-ups and you could bump up your profit even more.

4. Invest in Land

Not many of us can raise enough money to buy or have sufficient credit to finance a home or commercial building purchase. That doesn’t mean we should give up on our real estate dreams. At least not for those that can raise enough to buy land.


Normally investors buy land to develop into some kind of property. If you lack the capital to build, another way to build equity or squeeze value out of land is to just let the land sit and gain value. After a year or two, you should be able to sell for a profit.


There are other ways you can make money from your land, including leasing a section for cell towers or any temporary structures a business may put up there with your consent. That, however, depends on the location of your lot. Location is also key for any land that you may want to lease out for agricultural use. 

5. Offer Ancillary Support Services

You don’t have to actually own real estate to get your own piece of this lucrative market. The industry needs support services that don’t have the same barriers of entry in comparison. If you grind, you can make just as much money as you would with an investment property, perhaps even faster.

The trick is to find a service you can offer to property owners and investors. You could offer cleaning, photography, staging, and a myriad other services sellers need to prepare their properties for sale. 

The real estate market has never been riper for investment than it is now. There’re fortunes to be made for those willing to put in the hours. Before you invest your hard-earned money, though, do your research, seek qualified advice, and think all your options through. 

So which of the ways of making money out of real estate we have discussed seem like a good fit for you?

Home Buyers Real Estate

Here’s How to Handle Home Buying Stress

Have you noticed recent discussions about home buying seem to focus on how tough it is to become a first-time home buyer? Or how competitive the market is? Or how stressful the real estate process is in general? It’s no wonder home buying stress is at an all-time high! 

The process is often even more stressful for first-time home buyers learning to navigate the world of real estate.

Becoming a Home Buyer with Less Stress

If you’re looking for ways to handle home buying stress, this is one post you can’t miss! Although these tips are geared toward a first-time home buyer, they also serve as great reminders for those who have gone through the process before. 

Get clear about your budget

When you’re very clear about your budget before you begin your journey, it can save a lot of headaches along the way. It’s also important to remember that your budget will need to include more than just the listing price of a house. 

For example? There are several closing costs and legal fees to account for, and be sure you’re ready to pay them.

That’s why it’s essential to consider what you can truly afford, rather than just what you’re approved for. 

So, even if you’re approved for a $600,000 mortgage, for example, it doesn’t mean you should buy a house for that much. You’ll need to consider the monthly payments that come with it and ensure you’ll still be able to furnish your home and cover other costs. 

Take a look at this post next to learn more about the hidden costs every home buyer needs to know about. 

Create a detailed plan

Isn’t “buy a house” enough of a plan? Not exactly! The budgeting portion of the home buying process, including getting a mortgage pre-approval, can take a few weeks, to begin with. Then, you need to plan to view several homes, find a realtor you trust, pack up your current house, and more.

(Can you list six of the biggest mistakes new homebuyers make in Canada? Visit this post next to see them!)

Here’s a list of some of the things to plan for when you’re buying a house

This includes things like:

  • Mortgage pre-approval
  • Storage for your belongings
  • Hiring movers
  • Affording your down payment
  • Planning for home inspections
  • Relocating out of province or to a new city
  • Listing your current home and preparing it for sale

Working with a real estate agent you trust is a great way to ensure your plan includes all necessary details. And that brings us to our next point!

Work with a real estate agent

Working with a real estate agent is one of the most effective tools at your disposal for managing home buyer stress. Experienced realtors have seen and done it all, and they can help guide you through the process with ease. This is only one reason it’s best to work with a real estate agent rather than buying a home without any professional help. 

(Visit this post next to find out if you really need to hire a real estate agent if you’re buying a house from a friend)

As for finding a real estate agent, you can trust? We’ve made that easy for you! With Souqh, the complete home buying journey is right at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime. Our online storefronts help you find trusted service providers that match your unique needs, along with verified ratings and testimonials from home buyers just like you. 

Click here to sign up for free.


Did you learn a lot about handling home buying stress in this post? Here are three more posts to read next: 

Real Estate

Buying A House From A Friend Without A Realtor [The Pros And Cons]


Don’t we all like to have a permanent address? A forever home, where you can plant roots and raise a family? As anyone will tell you, buying a home is big achievement. For most of us, it is also the biggest financial transaction of our lives, one that involves several important decisions. One of these is finding the right property to buy.


It is not uncommon to wait months before you can find the right property to buy. There may not be good houses available to buy in your desired neighborhood and in your price range. But what if a friend just also happens to be selling their house and the house ticks all the important boxes for you?


Since you are buying the house from a friend, it is a good opportunity to save some money by not engaging a realtor, right? On the surface, yes, but there are some serious pitfalls you have to be aware of.


Can You Buy A House Without A Realtor In Canada?


You are not mandated to use a realtor when buying a property in Canada. You can represent yourself in the transaction, from negotiating the sale price, filing all the necessary documents, and closing the sale. That said, there are several reasons why this may not be the best way to proceed.


Before we discuss the reasons you may be better off engaging a realtor when buying a house, it is prudent to consider the situation where there may be positive outcomes to go it alone, especially when the seller is a friend. 


Firstly, since you are friends with the seller, you can rely on your personal relationship to negotiate terms that benefit both parties. Secondly, you may already be familiar with the property and feel you don’t need realtor to come in organize an inspection and a viewing. 


It is possible you may also be familiar with the area and contend that you have a good idea on the prices of comparable properties. Armed with that market knowledge, you may even feel you are in a position to negotiate a better price than the realtor.


In some cases, buyers simply don’t trust agents, concerned that they may push them into quickly buying a specific property so they get their cut of the commission. The worry is you may end up buying the wrong property or simply pay more than you should.


Not hiring a realtor usually does not save a buyer any money


The most common reason why some buyers choose to not hire a realtor is the assumption that you will save on the realtor’s commission. We say assumption because not hiring a realtor will not necessarily save the buyer any money. That is because it is the seller that pays the realtor’s commission –  both yours and theirs.


Why Buying A Home Without A Realtor May Be A Bad Idea


Jim and Pam looking at a clown painting


Over 80 percent of homebuyers buy through a real estate agent. There are very good reasons why they do this. Even if the seller is your friend, it may still be in your best interests to hire an agent. Here’s why:


The home buying process is complicated


If you are buying a property for the first time, you may be biting more than you can chew by trying to navigate the home buying process by yourself. Buying a home is not as simple as agreeing a price and signing on it. The process is complicated and time consuming.


To start with, you have to sign a purchase agreement that spells out contingencies on what to do in the event of certain eventualities. For example, if the home inspection turn up previously undiscovered repair and structural issues, the purchase contract must have explicitly worded provisions that allow you to withdraw from the purchase agreement.


There are also state and local regulations you must meet before closing the purchase. Failure to complete and properly file certain documents may cost you money and time. A person not familiar with the homebuying process may also underestimate the amount of time, expense, and hustle it takes to follow the process through.


Negotiating the right price takes skill and expertise


The fact you are buying from a friend may prove to be a handicap when negotiating the price. Because you share a relationship with the seller that you are keen to protect beyond the transaction, you may not be able to aggressively pursue a better price.


An agent on the other hand, is unshackled from any sensitivities and best positioned to negotiate the best price and terms for their client. In the case where your friend is represented by an agent, you can even find yourself at a disadvantage. 


The seller’s agent will have the experience and can use the tricks of the trade to secure the best deal for their client. For a fairer price negotiation, it is best you also have an agent representing you. 


Even when you feel you know an area so well that you have a good idea what a good price will be, it is still wise to buy through an experienced realtor. They are best-placed to match your needs and wishes with the right property.


Get guidance on important technical matters and disclosures


Unless you are buying a new house, you should expect that there will be repair and structural issues the seller will need to disclose and take care of even after the sale has been agreed. Examples could be fixing a leaking toilet, a bad roof, or replacing a broken gate. 


You may even allow the seller to keep some of their belongings in the garage on the promise that they will collect them at a later date. Without a legally binding, explicitly worded agreement, problems will arise if the seller fails to make good on their promises. The same friendship that was the basis of this transaction may be ruined as a result.


Though they are legally binding, verbal agreements are difficult to enforce. To protect yourself, it is critical that all agreements with the seller are memorialized by a communication trail and protected by a written contract. If the other party reneges or defaults on their promise, you then have a viable recourse. 


While you may easily neglect to have all your agreements with the seller written down, an experienced realtor will make sure to cover all bases as that is part of their fiduciary duties. 


Property lines are also a common cause of conflict. An experienced realtor will know not to take the seller’s word in terms of where the property line is. They will arrange to have the property properly surveyed and marked so you don’t run into disputes with your neighbors down the line.


Why Using A Realtor Is Important


Buying a house is a complicated process with many potential sink holes. It is not the type of transaction where you want to cut corners and neglect certain steps no matter how trivial they may seem. If something goes wrong the hit to your pocket may be substantial. 


To protect yourself, it is critical to have a realtor navigate the process for you. They know the ins and outs of the real estate market and the home buying process itself and will save you from wasting time and risking your hard earned money.


Search Souqh for the best realtors in your local area, wherever you are in Canada. Souqh is a marketplace for real estate service providers, from realtors, real estate lawyers, to contractors. Our platform simplifies the homebuying process to save you time and money.

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Does an Open House Still Matter in the Digital Age?

Have you decided to forgo the traditional open house in exchange for virtual open houses or other strategies for selling properties? Or perhaps you’re considering taking this step but not sure if it’s the right move. 

Either way, you’re about to find out! In today’s post, we’re going to talk all about whether an open house still matters in the digital age or if your efforts are better spent elsewhere.

Does an Open House Still Matter in the Digital Age?

We’re going to explain our answer in more detail throughout this post. But we know you’re itching to hear…so we’ll start by saying: yes! Open houses still matter in the digital age.

However, unlike when this was the way to sell a home, there are now several different strategies and approaches to help you sell homes quickly.

Essentially, rather than being your only option, an open house is now one critical tool in your toolbox for selling homes.

Rather than relying solely on open houses to sell properties, successful realtors utilize a number of different strategies for selling homes. 

So, beyond an open house, what are these other tools in a realtor’s toolbox worth exploring? Let’s get into them! 

Online listings

In this day and age, most realtors are already utilizing online listings to sell properties. Beyond the MLS, however, there might be some other online listing locations worth exploring to expand your reach. 

Realtors are utilizing many listing locations, including Zillow, Facebook, and even Craigslist. Of course, it’s also important to include all of your listings on your own website. 

(Realtors aren’t the only service providers who need to go digital! Read this post to learn why it’s also important for general contractors)

Digital marketing

If you want to keep up with the competition, there’s really no way around using digital marketing to grow your business. This includes a multi-faceted approach involving your own website, social media, branding, and other marketing efforts. (Learn all about branding for realtors in this post)

As overwhelming as this all can be, know there are options out there that make it much more straightforward!

For example, takes the guesswork out of digital marketing for realtors (and other service providers) as your one-stop connection to leads, referrals, technology, and digital marketing.

With Souqh, you can drive more traffic to your storefronts and grow your business fast. We make it easy to launch data-driven marketing campaigns to help you feature your storefront, enabling higher ROI on your marketing dollars. 

Ready to learn more? Visit this link next

Virtual tours

Last but not least, we also need to discuss virtual tours, which offer an effective alternative to the traditional open house in many cases. By offering virtual open houses and tours, you’re allowing your client base to explore properties they might not consider otherwise because they couldn’t visit them in person.

But virtual tours are the next best thing! 

If you offer these, it’s important to focus on audio and video quality to make sure the viewer gets the best first impression of a property several possible. If possible, it’s a great idea to work with professional videographers with experience in virtual tours.

Alternatively, make sure you film earlier in the day when the lighting is good and ensure the property is neat, organized, and styled the same way you would for an in-person open house.

So, there you have it! Don’t give up on the traditional open house… but don’t forget to create a multi-faceted approach to selling homes, including digital marketing, virtual tours, and other strategies. 


Did you learn a lot in this post? Here are three more to read next: 

Home Buyers Service Providers

Hidden Costs Every Home Buyer Needs to Know About

You’re all set to make an offer on a home you love…only to discover there are all kinds of hidden costs that weren’t included in the listing price. Understandably, these costs can be a dealbreaker for a home buyer. That’s why it’s important to prepare yourself for potential hidden costs when buying a home ahead of time.

Hidden Costs Every Home Buyer Needs to Know About

So, if you’re hoping to save yourself some nasty financial surprises down the road, don’t miss the rest of this post, where we break down some of the common (yet hidden) costs associated with home buying.

Home inspection fee

This isn’t necessarily a “hidden” fee, but it is one many new home buyers forget to factor in. 

Although a home inspection isn’t necessarily required, it’s almost always a good idea. During these inspections, a potential home buyer can find out about any potential issues that could cause them a major headache down the road. These inspections tend to cost between $300 and $1000. However, that’s a small investment compared to what it could cost you to unknowingly buy a home with, for example, faulty plumbing. 

(Home inspections are an important part of avoiding home buyer’s remorse. Read more about avoiding this feeling in this post)

Appraisal fees

Are you planning on getting a mortgage for your home? Most home buyers are. However, if you plan on going this route, there’s a particular fee worth noting that many people aren’t aware of. It’s known as the appraisal fee. 

Because the amount your lender is willing to give depends on the home’s appraised value, the home first needs to be appraised. So, this fee (typically between $275 and $500) covers that appraisal. 

Keep in mind, this fee isn’t a sure thing. Depending on arrangements between lenders, it’s often waived. Just be sure to find out ahead of time!

Land transfer tax

Are you a home buyer in Canada who doesn’t live in Alberta, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, or the Yukon? Then the land transfer tax is important to consider if you’re buying a home! The LTT (between 0.5% to 2.5% of the property value depending on your province) goes toward the province when you buy property. 

As this article from explains: 

“Many provinces use a multi-tiered system to calculate the amount of tax owed. On a $500,000 home in Ontario (but not Toronto), for example, 0.5% is paid on the first $55,000, 1% on the next $195,000, 1.5% on the next $150,000, and 2% on the amount above $400,000. That works out to $6,475.”


You’re probably planning on buying home insurance (even if it isn’t necessarily required). Still, there are a few different types of insurance each home buyer needs to make a note of when they’re preparing themselves for hidden costs that could come up.

Here are some of the types of insurance worth looking into:

  • Title insurance
  • Mortgage default insurance
  • Mortgage life insurance

(Before you go, don’t miss this post with more tips for simplifying the home buying process)

What Else Should Every Home Buyer Know?

These are just some of the hidden costs every home buyer needs to be aware of. It’s incredibly important to do your research and work with a team you trust during the home buying process to keep surprises to a minimum.

But in addition to these hidden costs, what else should every buyer know? That can help them ditch a lot of the stress that comes with home buying! From finding trusted service providers to streamlining documentation and simplifying communication, we’ve thought of it all. Click here to learn more about our unique platform and what it can do for you. 

Did you learn a lot about this post breaking down the hidden costs every home buyer needs to know? Here are three more posts to read next:

General Contactor Mortgage Broker Realtor Service Providers

5 Tips to Elevate Client Experience in Real Estate

Don’t let the crazy times sway your focus from improving your real estate business.

Yes, the stress level is skyrocketing when it comes to overall economic health, but you can turn it around. Be proactive. Create an opportunity for your business by elevating your clients’ experience

It’s all about empathy. Knowing what they need is the core of it all which you’ll know further through the following five tips. 

Why is client experience important for your real estate business?

Don’t ever second guess it. Real estate at its core is a customer service industry. 

The longevity and quality of your relationship with your clients determine the long-term success of your business. Try to imagine your mission statement. Make personalization of your service be the heart of your business.

It can reveal a lot about you and your company -how you foster client experience in your services. Think brand loyalty, building trust, which can equate to real estate referrals. 

5 Helpful Tips to Create Ultimate Client Experience in Real Estate

It’s never about looking perfect. Amplifying what you can do for your clients is what’s worth the effort. It’s about benefits more than the features, as stressed by these five tips we’re sharing with you.

1. Look At Your Website’s Low Points

Do you also groan with frustrations when websites are failing to serve their purpose?

That’s one client experience down the drain. A landing page or an entire website should be consistent in which property listings match the photos, are aesthetically appealing and are super easy to navigate.

Avoid unnecessary actions at all costs. Assess your website if they are serving your kind of clients. Suppose their clicks and scrolls are letting them see the listing and images efficiently or not.

2. Know Which Demographic to Attract

Where does your target market hang out? What do they eat? What do they watch? Where do they shop?

These are your lifeline questions. Understanding the nuances of your audience can take a bit of effort. That’s market research for you, but oh-so-worth-it!

To sell homes or your ability to sell properties is more than just about selling. There’s no prime secret here. Start by knowing your strengths, so you’ll determine which demographic you target.

3. Build Client-centric Relationships

Before the dawn of real estate digitization, brokers and agents were the driving force of the scene.

For years, that shifted many a time, and like every other business in the land, the relevance is now focused on clients. The element that could launch a thousand commissions is called relationships.

The avoidance of a salesy approach is strong in the digital era. Building a client-centric relationship means becoming authentic in every aspect of your business—that and consistency.

4. Streamline Processes

There’s no better time than today to utilize automation.

What makes a client smile is efficient and effective processes. To name a few of how you can streamline your workflow are canned responses, smart email workflow, automated notifications for team tasks, and smooth integration of real estate apps.

After all, time saved is money saved.

5. Get Data-Driven Insights With

Invite your clients to where the comfort of homebuying is right at their fingertips.

Lead generation can be laborious but through digital magic, it’s bound to be quick and easy. is your prime platform to get data-driven insights where your clients look for help and where you deliver exemplary customer service and experience. It’s your go-to access to digital strategy and support towards higher conversion rates through data-driven marketing campaigns on Souqh.

Intrigued how can take your real estate business to greater heights? Click here

Lawyer Mortgage Broker Realtor Service Providers

6 Digital Strategies To Scale Your Real Estate Law Firm

There are hard won lessons in this pandemic as it continues to change dramatically law practices, especially real property law. 

It’s now a norm to choose different strategies to keep up with the challenges. Some had to take pauses, while others considered these crazy times as an opportunity to scale up.

Scaling Your Real Estate Law Firm in a Post-Pandemic Marketplace

The uncertainty sometimes causes stalling of activities like expansion plans that are put on hold.

But with new normal comes new market opportunities, especially in the digital scene. Taking advantage of these COVID enforced changes led real estate lawyers to look at how the internet can help. 

Digital transformation is where it’s at. Be visible online and optimize your services. Develop a brand and sell it to your prospective client. 

1. Dominate Your Local Search Presence

Stop waiting for the right time. Take the plunge, make your presence known online by Search Engine Optimization.

The organic strategy will cost less but is effective in generating new leads and attracting clients. Search algorithms are going to be your best friend. Focus on keywords that target specific types relevant to the real estate market. 

Hire an SEO professional and check on real estate law firm marketing strategies to see how it can help you scale up.

2. Amplify Your Website with Organized Information

It’s true: a well-balanced website is an essential strategy for digital success. 

Curate your website with information about your real estate law firm. Highlight the businesses you’re offering, like what property legal matters can you help your market with. This is conversion in the making. The referral you got from networking can confirm your credibility and authority in real estate law.

Topics are essential. You have made your website a mountain load of resources for them, so write topics that they will find vital, like:

  • Landlord and Tenant Disputes
  • Deed Preparation and Transfer
  • Commercial Purchases and Leases
  • Purchase and Sale Agreements
  • Boundary Disputes
  • Foreclosure and Eviction

3. Promote Your Real Estate Law Firm Digitally

Be a content master extraordinaire. 

Publish content that caters to frequently asked questions of property owners and those looking to be homeowners. Make a list of topics and subtopics about real estate law issues that potential clients in your area can relate to. 

Knowing your local market, the specific issues they’re struggling with is your key to digital marketing success.

4. Develop and Nurture Professional Relationships 

Now, how to hack client acquisition in the current times?

You see, your professional network is a treasure trove of powerful marketing tools. Focus on networking to grow your practice, whether with real estate agents or other lawyers practicing in different fields. It’s a win-win situation for the agents and lawyers in the real estate market because you can have the best referrals by reciprocation.

With the proper filtering of groups in these apps, you can establish your property and real estate law authority. At the same time, build further your online network.

5. Use Social Media as Your Professional Networking Tool

Don’t let your competitors eat you alive, don’t waste your time and pump up your social media platforms.

It’s a no-secret formula. Your social media channels serve as the face of your real estate law firm where your potential clients can best understand your brand and your business. The operative word in this marketing is social, and the name of the game is personalization. Consider these tools because they give clues on how you best market yourself -you have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to capitalize.

Make it so you’ll be able to grow your community, your network and put you as an authority in real estate law. 

6. Use to Elevate your Digital Presence

Going through these can be stressful and overwhelming, but here’s the good news -you can go through all these with so much ease!

That’s Souqh for you. It’s your ultimate partner in building your business without the straining costs, time, and stress. No more skyrocketing fees, time-consuming processes, and overwhelming inducing strategies. When you use, you can access a streamlined and straightforward scale-up journey – all in one platform.

You’re just a click away from digitizing your law firm. Say yes and click here to book a demo.

Realtor Service Providers Spotlight

Real Estate Branding: 3 Ways for Agents to Build a Personal Brand Online

How do you avoid becoming just another face in a crowded sea of real estate agents? Well, for starters, by building a personal brand online! It’s true. Real estate branding is one of the most important and most overlooked strategies for growing your real estate business. 

3 Real Estate Branding Tips to Build a Personal Brand Online

At the end of a long day, the last thing you have time for is working on your branding. Not to mention, it can be tough to do. But we’re going to make it easy for you! Here are some straightforward ideas to start building your personal brand online today.

1. Grow your social media following

Growing your social media following feels overwhelming. Maybe your followers seem to hover around the same number for months on end no matter what you do.

But once you start focusing specifically on growing your following on different platforms, it’s incredible how this effort can pay off.

To have a following, you need to have a presence. That means showing up! Show up on your social media platforms regularly, whether in the form of an Instagram story, a tweet, or a Facebook update. You don’t need to do all of them—but pick one or two platforms and show up consistently.

You can also do several things to get more attention on these platforms and incentivize people to follow you. As an agent focusing on real estate branding, one of the best ways is teaming up with local businesses.

For example, at your next open house, offer coffee for all guests from a local coffee shop. Reach out to that coffee shop to see if they would be interested in sharing about your open house and how they can get a free cup of their coffee there. 

Alternatively, you could team up with a local shop or restaurant for a giveaway that can only be entered if users follow both of your accounts. 

2. Start a newsletter

When you start your newsletter, it becomes just that: yours! A newsletter is a great opportunity to establish your real estate branding by building your online presence and connecting with new clients.

Your newsletter allows you to tell your own brand story, too. Rather than being limited by 280 characters in a tweet or a brief paragraph in a Facebook post, you can dig deeper into your brand with a newsletter. 

Figure out a sustainable model for distributing your newsletter to start. Once a week might be too audacious, but once a month could be more feasible.

Use this newsletter as an opportunity to personalize yourself, promote your listings, share helpful real estate insights, and just generally provide value for your reader. Even if it’s not always real estate-related, providing value to your readers can ultimately be what keeps your name at the front of their minds when it does come time for them to buy or sell a property. 

3. Get online

Do you have a personal website yet? When it comes to real estate branding in 2021, an online presence is a must. And as it turns out, your website is one of the best ways to do this. You also give yourself search engine advantages with your website, so your name appears in results when people look for realtors in your area. 

On top of SEO bonuses, a personal website helps you showcase your listings, expertise, grow your newsletter subscribers, and just generally establish a presence online. 

Digital Marketing & Real Estate Branding

Your digital marketing efforts can make or break your real estate branding efforts. Let Souqh help!

Our services will help you drive more traffic to your storefronts and grow your business fast. At the same time, we’ll help you launch data-driven marketing campaigns to feature your storefront, enabling higher ROI on your marketing dollars.

Ready to learn more? Click here to contact us and book a demo.